"Hello Glasgow!"

Hello all in Bloggersphere,

Gonna fire right in to this and list the reasons why I think YOU should subscribe...

  1. This is the only 'pop-punk', glasgow area blog I could find (I dare you to search(and post them here if you find any :p))
  2. For those of you in to a wider variety of music, there will be slight deviation from the pop-punk genre
  3. There will be a number of reviews on the following;
    1. Gigs
    2. Venues
    3. Bands/Artists
  4. I will contact for interview up and coming/ already established/ slowly approaching the grave pop-punk acts within the Glasgow/Strathclyde/Lanarkshire area.
  5. For those of you not in Glasgow, there'll still be a lot of mention of those artists more international if I can find a reason to relate them slightly to Glasgow

Hope you enjoy and here's a wee video from American band 'All Time Low' who recently played at Glasgow's O2 Academy.